
Lord of the Flies - mood

The mood of this novel, Lord of the Flies, is very dark. More you seek for truth meaning of the novel, more depressing it is. In the beginning of the novel, the mood is gloomy but there is hope. Kids got dropped in the island where they aren’t any adults, but luckily they are able to get food and water. There life is full of adventure but more towards the end, people fight for power and peace of society gets ruined. Sadly, this is the truth of the world. People fight for their benefit and everybody wants power. At the resolution, kids lose all the bright side of human nature and dark side surfaces. Simon tried to tell others that the beast is in themselves but he got killed. Whoever tries to do good thing gets killed. Not everyone but history has proven that to be a hero, you need sacrifice even if that is your life. In the surface, our world looks perfectly fine and beautiful but more we dig in to the truth, all the dirtiness and dark side of human appears. All the humans are dirty, and this book shows you how dirty the human can be. Human can kill and destroy each other just to get what they want. The sanity and innocence of human doesn’t exist any more in this world. All the sanity and innocence of humans are all fake and wrong image. Why can’t the world be pure? Why can’t human be clean? Those questions and the fact that dark side of human can really surface to the world make me depress and sadden.

1 comment:

Eugene Bock said...

hi my best friend younglae andrea lee. i totally agree with you that the mood of the story is depressing and it gets even worse as time passes. i also think that the dark side of human conditions are revealed as Jack declares to be a new leader of the hunters. the somber mood of the story made me feel bad while reading it haha.