
Lord of the Flies - entry of my choice

What would have happened if there were girls with the boys in the island? What would be same, what would be different?
I think if there were girls the boys would have respected girls in the beginning. They probably did way more work than girls and try hard to show the girls to show off. Boys are like that. Girls probably had to do less work or easier work like gathering fruits and getting water. If girls have been there, girls probably had to take care of the fire and boys probably had to hunt. Girls wouldn’t like to hunt, and boys wouldn’t like to keep fire safe. Both of the genders will be happy and they probably never even have fought. This is what it is going to happen when boys respect girls. If boys don’t respect girls, girls will be treated like an animal. People like Jack will take control of girls and treat them as slaves. In ancient times, women are treated lower then an animal and often they gave out women as a reward. But Ralph probably had more respect, because he knows what girls can do that boys can’t. If Jack falls in love in one of the girls, it will be a different story. If that girl is wise enough, she will take control over Jack and make him reconcile with Ralph. I think if the girls are wise enough, they are going to make the situation better and also add some vital and energy in island. Little boy, Simon, Piggy’s death might not have taken place, and they might have been rescued earlier. Girls are normally more responsible, less violent, and thoughtful, but having only boys in the island made the ideas and true meaning of the novel that William Golding wanted to show. If author have added girls in the novel, it wouldn’t have deep meaning under a storyline. It will only be boring adventure story book.


Jennifer Seo said...
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Jennifer Seo said...

Hi:]!!!!!!!!!I also thought about the situation that if there were girls with the boys in the island, and I came to a conclusion of exactly what you said. While I was imagining, I realized that the story will go really differently. If the boys respected the girls, they would have lived peacefully. However if the boys didn't respect the girls, the girls would have been treated like an animal. And also, I strongly agree with you that if there were girls in the island, it wouldn’t have deep meaning under a storyline, because it will show less aggressive side of the boys. I like your idea ~

nc_aaltonen said...

I think this is a great free entry~! I really agree with you. i think that if girls have been there, many more things would have worked out. Girls would take the situation more calmly and organize things while the guys would just go out hunting and do the "strength-needed" work. i think it really would have been better if girls had been there and that the whole surviving thing would have been more successful.