
Lord of the Flies - passage

‘There isn’t anyone to help you. Only me. And I’m the Beast... Fancy thinking the Beast was something you could hunt and kill!... You knew, didn’t you? I’m part of you? Close, close, close! I’m the reason why it’s no go? Why things are the way they are?’ ”
Chapter 8, pg. 130

I really like this passage because this is where the truth comes out about human nature. The pig’s head declares it was the boys that made everything worse not the beast. The beast didn’t exist but boys did. The evil is always inside of us. Without any control we will be devils. William Golding stated that evil is always inside and part of us. Humans are who makes this planet ugly and dirty. We are the trash in the earth. If it wasn’t us, the earth will be so much better place to live in. Even animals know how to share love and sacrifice themselves to save the others, but we don’t know. All we know is how to trick people for our own goods, and kill people. We might pretend ourselves better than animals. We might wear clothes, eat in the tables, and poop in the bathroom but our true selves are below animals. We just act civilized. Humans are evil and we are the beast. Animals are more innocent, more pure, and cleaner. We claim ourselves the “lord of all creation”, but we are the worst of our creation. Not every human is evil and dirty but most of us are. I even admit myself that I am dirty and evil. No one can stop the awakening of the evil except you. You have to have self control and get full power over the evilness. No one but you can do it. In disordered world like Lord of the Flies, the evil inside of us awakes itself more and more. Even at this moment, evil in us is slowly but constantly opening its eyes.

1 comment:

Suzie said...

This passage was also very significant to me. I also thought that this passage told the readers about the main point of the author: our evil nature is inside ourselves. I strongly agree with you that we are no better than animals. We might attain higher standard of living through our civilization, but we are still making evil choices throughout the world. Like what you have said, I also think that we need to admit our savage sides and resist our evil nature from coming out.