
Lord of the Flies - theme

The theme of this novel Lord of the Flies is problem between civilization and savagery. I think acting like civilized person mean acting exactly like how others act. Following rules that were made by others make the life boring. But acting savagery isn’t all good. In the beginning of the novel, kids were more civilized under Ralph’s control, but later kids were more wild and savagery after throwing their innocence under Jack’s control. Living by rules and morals are boring but it’s very peaceful and safe. Living without a rule and without a control is freer and more fun, but if it goes out of control and too wild, than it is a chaos. Throughout the novel, William Golding declares civilization is good and savagery is evil. The conflict between two instincts makes the boys confused and lost. First the boys are disciplined, civilized, and under control but the more they face the savagery, they lost the sanity and pureness in themselves. They changed more brutal, wilder, and cruel. This novel is a symbolic novel and Golding has meaning for everything that happens in the story. He tried to mention two kinds of instinct by conflict between main characters, Ralph and Jack. Ralph tries to fight against the instinct of savagery but he isn’t determine and strong enough to lead the group of people. He also shows that all humans have evil and dark side within them and it can surface anytime if you give chance to surface. All humans are born with sanity and pureness but it can be destroyed and changed any time.

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