
1984 - Mood of the novel

The mood of this novel is very dark. Since this is novel that has theme of dystopia, it can’t be bright. It’s even sad in a way. Winston is always being watched and he has to face the big, strong government under watch. People are forced to think and act how the government wants them to act. This means no individual freedom at all. How can the world be happy and bright if there aren’t any freedoms at all? This book also shows what will the world like if we don’t fight for our freedom. We won’t be humans, but animals doing what the master tells us. Thinking the world like 1984 can really exist, it makes me depressed and reminds me the importance of freedom and fighting for your own opinion. If there is a country like 1984 Oceania, it will be horrible. If you are not brainwashed, everyday will be like living in a cell with no friends. Your every move is being watched, your every word is being heard, and every people you meet are in danger. Will it be horrible? I ratter suicide or be brainwashed and think nothing. I will be depressed, sad, and dark like the mood of this novel. There isn’t any future to his country unless citizens really stand up and willing to change what has been on the country for long time. This country can exist if people give up fighting. Don’t give government full power where they take away everything you have within second. Who wants to live in the world like this?


prithaforever said...

yay! first comment:P...wow... nice blog:D I agree with you... Siriously! I don't think I would ever want to live in a society like Oceania. I like the part where you mention freedom. Freedom is necessary of course and I agree that Oceania would be the perfect descrption of the place where there is no freedom.I partly blame the unequal distribution of power too. Yes,I think it would be pretty horrible if someone is watching me every moment of my life... It is depressing indeed to know that suicide is the only way out of this dystopia... i like the predictions you made about how this kind of goverment started in the first place. Yea, I agree, this could have only happend if people stopped resisting against the cruel Party.(which in my opinion they DID, they probably did not resist). awesom blog^^

P said...

I too think that it would be terrible to live in a society like the one in Oceania. Living in a government that is totalitarian frightens me because all of my moves would be watched and controlled. What depresses me more is that the whole setting is dark and gloomy.
This is partly different from my novel Brave New World. In it, the setting is actually on a happy level, at least for the people living there. Technology has increased to the ultimate level and the government does not control people like in 1984. However, to me, it was very ironic because although the people of the future were content, happy, elated, and ecstatic, I did not feel that way. It was horrible! People were without traditions, culture, and ideas that come from books, and the worst part of it was they did not notice their faults. People despised "mothers" or "family." People were living in a society where all seems to be perfect on a superficial level, but was actually a dystopia.

Anonymous said...

I disagree that you said the novel was sad in a way. I think pity was the right word to describe, instead of sad.
There is no freedom for the people. For examples, as you said, people are brainwashed, and watched every time. Also, you said you will suicide if you were in that kind of situation. Therefore, you are feeling bad for the people in the novel, not sad.
Though, I agree that depressing and dark is the mood of the novel. The novel was definitely not delightful. You can notice this by seeing that the people do for fun, are not the for the real happiness that exists in the world.

Gianni-Alice said...

who the FUCK taught you people how to spell?! we are WAY past slavery times and everyone has the right to a good education. Like come on now, seriously?!?! (thats how you spell it btw). You shouldnt make a blog where people are going to have to reread sentences a BILLION times to understand the point you are TRYING to get across but are to illiterate to get the job done....PLEASE next time hit spell check or some shit, i hear peer editing helps too.

- signed a very concerned blogger

Big Brother said...

It's actually spelled ''too illiterate''... maybe you should hit spell check yourself next time.

I guess Big Brother is watching you, eh?