
Lord of the Flies - Climax

The climax of this novel, Lord of the Flies, is when Jack and his tribes purposely killed Piggy. That is when the devil side of human fully surfaced and when there weren’t any point of return. The first death in the novel was unintentional and it was nobody’s fault. The body just disappeared one night and no one knew anything about him. They don’t even know his name. The second death of Simon was the group’s fault but it was unintentional. They killed him but they didn’t purposely did it. They didn’t know what they were doing. The last death, Piggy’s death, was intentional and it was Jack’s fault. They totally knew what they were doing and they killed Piggy. They totally knew what they were doing. After Piggy’s death, Ralph had no point of return and he had to run away for his life.
After, Simon’s death Ralph and Piggy at least had own society to continue their lives. They had hope and future. They had everything they needed for survival and Jack was only threat in the island. But after Piggy’s death, things have changed. Ralph didn’t have any hope or future. If officer didn’t come, he probably got killed. I rather die than being chased by people like an animal. The climax made me really sad because it showed how dirty humans can be. Humans are dirty and ugly. They do whatever to achieve their goal. Jack killed Piggy to destroy, the democracy. The dirtiness of humans is everywhere. They are stained in our everyday life but can’t really see them in civilized world.

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