
Lord of the Flies - passage

‘There isn’t anyone to help you. Only me. And I’m the Beast... Fancy thinking the Beast was something you could hunt and kill!... You knew, didn’t you? I’m part of you? Close, close, close! I’m the reason why it’s no go? Why things are the way they are?’ ”
Chapter 8, pg. 130

I really like this passage because this is where the truth comes out about human nature. The pig’s head declares it was the boys that made everything worse not the beast. The beast didn’t exist but boys did. The evil is always inside of us. Without any control we will be devils. William Golding stated that evil is always inside and part of us. Humans are who makes this planet ugly and dirty. We are the trash in the earth. If it wasn’t us, the earth will be so much better place to live in. Even animals know how to share love and sacrifice themselves to save the others, but we don’t know. All we know is how to trick people for our own goods, and kill people. We might pretend ourselves better than animals. We might wear clothes, eat in the tables, and poop in the bathroom but our true selves are below animals. We just act civilized. Humans are evil and we are the beast. Animals are more innocent, more pure, and cleaner. We claim ourselves the “lord of all creation”, but we are the worst of our creation. Not every human is evil and dirty but most of us are. I even admit myself that I am dirty and evil. No one can stop the awakening of the evil except you. You have to have self control and get full power over the evilness. No one but you can do it. In disordered world like Lord of the Flies, the evil inside of us awakes itself more and more. Even at this moment, evil in us is slowly but constantly opening its eyes.


Lord of the Flies - theme

The theme of this novel Lord of the Flies is problem between civilization and savagery. I think acting like civilized person mean acting exactly like how others act. Following rules that were made by others make the life boring. But acting savagery isn’t all good. In the beginning of the novel, kids were more civilized under Ralph’s control, but later kids were more wild and savagery after throwing their innocence under Jack’s control. Living by rules and morals are boring but it’s very peaceful and safe. Living without a rule and without a control is freer and more fun, but if it goes out of control and too wild, than it is a chaos. Throughout the novel, William Golding declares civilization is good and savagery is evil. The conflict between two instincts makes the boys confused and lost. First the boys are disciplined, civilized, and under control but the more they face the savagery, they lost the sanity and pureness in themselves. They changed more brutal, wilder, and cruel. This novel is a symbolic novel and Golding has meaning for everything that happens in the story. He tried to mention two kinds of instinct by conflict between main characters, Ralph and Jack. Ralph tries to fight against the instinct of savagery but he isn’t determine and strong enough to lead the group of people. He also shows that all humans have evil and dark side within them and it can surface anytime if you give chance to surface. All humans are born with sanity and pureness but it can be destroyed and changed any time.

Lord of the Flies - setting

William Golding never gives specific location of the island, but he describes it well. The island really made them think like they were really in the war and that made the boys wilder. Maybe if they were in the city they probably had more consciousness and not lose all their innocence, but it wasn’t all about the surroundings. It was really themselves that led to the fall of their innocence, sanity, and civilization. The setting that is memorable to me is the top of the mountain where they set the fire to be rescued. Many things had happened in that place. Kids had seen beast at the top of the mountain which was actually injured pilot with parachute. That created a boundary and made them not wanted to come. Finally, they had to move the place to set a fire. That was the place of hope but later it changed it to place of horror.

I also like the place where they had a meeting. The place was mysterious but it’s the place where all the ideas came together to make progress in their society. First, the meetings were held well and everybody respected each other. They listen to others opinions and they tried to make it better. But more they held the meetings no one really took it seriously; they took it as part of their play. The meetings were more like small version of battle. They fought to get a control over conch so they can talk during the meeting. Most of the times, it was a joke and noting was achieved.

Lord of the Flies - entry of my choice

What would have happened if there were girls with the boys in the island? What would be same, what would be different?
I think if there were girls the boys would have respected girls in the beginning. They probably did way more work than girls and try hard to show the girls to show off. Boys are like that. Girls probably had to do less work or easier work like gathering fruits and getting water. If girls have been there, girls probably had to take care of the fire and boys probably had to hunt. Girls wouldn’t like to hunt, and boys wouldn’t like to keep fire safe. Both of the genders will be happy and they probably never even have fought. This is what it is going to happen when boys respect girls. If boys don’t respect girls, girls will be treated like an animal. People like Jack will take control of girls and treat them as slaves. In ancient times, women are treated lower then an animal and often they gave out women as a reward. But Ralph probably had more respect, because he knows what girls can do that boys can’t. If Jack falls in love in one of the girls, it will be a different story. If that girl is wise enough, she will take control over Jack and make him reconcile with Ralph. I think if the girls are wise enough, they are going to make the situation better and also add some vital and energy in island. Little boy, Simon, Piggy’s death might not have taken place, and they might have been rescued earlier. Girls are normally more responsible, less violent, and thoughtful, but having only boys in the island made the ideas and true meaning of the novel that William Golding wanted to show. If author have added girls in the novel, it wouldn’t have deep meaning under a storyline. It will only be boring adventure story book.

Lord of the Flies - connection to the world

The world is full of humans, full of darkness. Our world has no hope and no future. We are surrounded by dark and the barbe wire fences. We are trapped without any light in our future. In the novel Lord of the Flies, the dark side of the human surfaced fully and threatened boy’s life. They think it’s a beast that is threatening their lives but it is actually evil side of them. They don’t realize themselves are the evil. Finally Simon realizes they are evil but even before he tells them, he becomes victim of evil of human. Humans are everywhere and evil is everywhere. The world can’t be pure and innocent with human on the world. The dirty marks on this world are all caused by humans. I bet without the humans on this earth, the earth will be better place to live for nature. In civilized world, the dark side of human doesn’t seem like to appear as much as in novel Lord of the Flies, but surely they are everywhere. If people lose the control of themselves and give up to be a human, like boys did in the novel, the world will be catastrophe. Everyone will try to harm, kill, and trick each other and it living there will be like living in a battlefield. We can always be in Ralph situation, being chased, if humans loose their hope and sanity. These problems can be fixed if humans are desire to stay as a civilized human and don’t lost last pureness and sanity in down on their heart. We should live everyday humble, relaxed, and joyful. Having a peace in ourselves is the only way to escape from being a beast.


Lord of the Flies - mood

The mood of this novel, Lord of the Flies, is very dark. More you seek for truth meaning of the novel, more depressing it is. In the beginning of the novel, the mood is gloomy but there is hope. Kids got dropped in the island where they aren’t any adults, but luckily they are able to get food and water. There life is full of adventure but more towards the end, people fight for power and peace of society gets ruined. Sadly, this is the truth of the world. People fight for their benefit and everybody wants power. At the resolution, kids lose all the bright side of human nature and dark side surfaces. Simon tried to tell others that the beast is in themselves but he got killed. Whoever tries to do good thing gets killed. Not everyone but history has proven that to be a hero, you need sacrifice even if that is your life. In the surface, our world looks perfectly fine and beautiful but more we dig in to the truth, all the dirtiness and dark side of human appears. All the humans are dirty, and this book shows you how dirty the human can be. Human can kill and destroy each other just to get what they want. The sanity and innocence of human doesn’t exist any more in this world. All the sanity and innocence of humans are all fake and wrong image. Why can’t the world be pure? Why can’t human be clean? Those questions and the fact that dark side of human can really surface to the world make me depress and sadden.

Lord of the Flies - Climax

The climax of this novel, Lord of the Flies, is when Jack and his tribes purposely killed Piggy. That is when the devil side of human fully surfaced and when there weren’t any point of return. The first death in the novel was unintentional and it was nobody’s fault. The body just disappeared one night and no one knew anything about him. They don’t even know his name. The second death of Simon was the group’s fault but it was unintentional. They killed him but they didn’t purposely did it. They didn’t know what they were doing. The last death, Piggy’s death, was intentional and it was Jack’s fault. They totally knew what they were doing and they killed Piggy. They totally knew what they were doing. After Piggy’s death, Ralph had no point of return and he had to run away for his life.
After, Simon’s death Ralph and Piggy at least had own society to continue their lives. They had hope and future. They had everything they needed for survival and Jack was only threat in the island. But after Piggy’s death, things have changed. Ralph didn’t have any hope or future. If officer didn’t come, he probably got killed. I rather die than being chased by people like an animal. The climax made me really sad because it showed how dirty humans can be. Humans are dirty and ugly. They do whatever to achieve their goal. Jack killed Piggy to destroy, the democracy. The dirtiness of humans is everywhere. They are stained in our everyday life but can’t really see them in civilized world.

Lord of the Flies - Main Character

Main characters in this novel, Lord of the Flies, are Ralph and Jack. Ralph is the leader of civilized world and Jack is the leader of wild world. They both have unique characteristic, different perspective, different mind set, and different abilities so I really like both of them. Even though they didn’t work together that well, they wanted to control and make better society. They just have different views and opinions which caused collapse of the society. In the novel Jack seems like he is the bad and evil one but he was just trying to rule kids in his own justice. He did what he think is right. Not everything he did was right from our view, but he was just trying follow what he think is right. In the other hand, Ralph did more right things in our point of view. But he wasn’t determined and strong enough to keep everyone under control. He ruled the group as democracy. In the leadership wise, Jack has more potential but Ralph had more civilized though. If both of them had worked together, they probably had more fun, more comfortable time, and rescued when the first ship came to island. Ralph symbolizes democracy and weakness in power and Jack symbolizes dictatorship and powerfulness. Democracy took place by existence of couch. Whoever has the conch can speak and everybody should listen and respect them, but later everybody talked whenever they wanted to. When conch broke it was end of democracy and start of dictatorship Jack wanted to rule how he wanted to rule even before form of democracy. Jack wanted power. Ralph wanted justice.


1984 - connection to me

What if you are Winston in the story? What would you do? Would you try to change the government?
If I am Winston in the story, I wouldn’t just go out and go against the government without any plan. First I will pretend I am on Big Brother’s side and serve him. Obey everyone from thought police and Inner Party. Soon or later if no one can read my mind, I will be part of Inner Party. The higher position I am, more freedom I get. On the way to be part of Inner Party, I will meet many people. Among them, there will be people who are against Big Brother. I will gather them secretly and prepare for revolution. If I have good leadership, more and more people will gather around me and I will have more power. If I am careful enough and don’t have any spies in my group, soon or later I will meet Big Brother if he even exist and probably murder him. If he doesn’t exist I will probably tell the whole nation that there Big Brother doesn’t exist. Then the whole nation will be confused and be in chaos. Meanwhile I will get my group ready and attack the Inner Party. It’s like gambling but better than not trying anything. If this doesn’t work, I will bite my tongue and die. I will be the only one who will be blamed for doing this not others. Many leaders have tried this. It didn’t always work out but I think it worth a try. If I don’t make it to the end, someone might be motivated of what I did and try other plan. Giving up before even trying is stupid.

1984 - settings

There were lots of settings in the novel 1984. The most disgusting room is “Room 101.” This is the room where you get torture by your horror. Not anything physical but horror that is inside of you. Sometimes horror can make people crazy and takes over control of bodies. That is why people see ghosts if they really believe and be scared. I haven’t been really tortured by something I hate. If I had seen ghost, which I am most afraid of, I probably had ended up in mental hospital. I would never ever want to end up in Room 101. I always thought room 101 will be filled with torture machine like Chinese water torture or putting them into small box where they can’t even move at all. That guy who invented “Room 101” is a genius!
Also most beautiful place in 1984 is church where Julia had taken Winston. There weren’t any telescreen to watch them (I guess), and they were free to do whatever they want. That place is one of the few places that don’t have any telescreen. Places like this were really hard to find because telescreen was basically everywhere. I think that is why that makes this place meaningful and beautiful. Even now days there are cameras everywhere. Only place that doesn’t have camera is bathroom. I had many memories in bathroom when I was young. That was the only place me and my friends were allowed to play and yell besides outside. The place where Julia found will have many memories as my memories in bathroom. If the place has lots of memories, then that place is memorable and important to you. For me, PAHS is more memorable than my house.

1984 - significant passage

"And if all others accepted the lie which the Party imposed—if all records told the same tale—then the lie passed into history and became truth. 'Who controls the past' ran the Party slogan, 'controls the future: who controls the present controls the past.'" —pg 32
If every people believe 1+1=3, then it is true. Whoever discovered or made it first gets to justify what truth is. The first person who made one plus one equals two got to spread the truth that he made and has been passed down since now. This world is made up with rules and laws. If the first person decides to use pen as an ear-pick than it probably had been ear-pick. Even naming is a law that was made. If the person who made the first desk decides to call chair instead of desk, then we probably had called it chair. So whoever made it first in the past gets to control the present and future. I think that is one of this reasons why people want to invent their own product. Even species people name after their name. If you find new species or an animal you get to be the one who gives the name. This passage teaches somewhat life lesson. Right at this moment can be present to be but when this blog is posted it will be past. Whatever you do now will be the past. To control the future you should control your decisions that you make right now which will eventually become past. Don’t make stupid decisions that can ruin your future. Think before you act.

Passage from: http://www.gerenser.com/1984/quote.html


1984 - Mood of the novel

The mood of this novel is very dark. Since this is novel that has theme of dystopia, it can’t be bright. It’s even sad in a way. Winston is always being watched and he has to face the big, strong government under watch. People are forced to think and act how the government wants them to act. This means no individual freedom at all. How can the world be happy and bright if there aren’t any freedoms at all? This book also shows what will the world like if we don’t fight for our freedom. We won’t be humans, but animals doing what the master tells us. Thinking the world like 1984 can really exist, it makes me depressed and reminds me the importance of freedom and fighting for your own opinion. If there is a country like 1984 Oceania, it will be horrible. If you are not brainwashed, everyday will be like living in a cell with no friends. Your every move is being watched, your every word is being heard, and every people you meet are in danger. Will it be horrible? I ratter suicide or be brainwashed and think nothing. I will be depressed, sad, and dark like the mood of this novel. There isn’t any future to his country unless citizens really stand up and willing to change what has been on the country for long time. This country can exist if people give up fighting. Don’t give government full power where they take away everything you have within second. Who wants to live in the world like this?

1984 - Climax

Climax is when the conflict or problem needs to be solved the one way or the other. The novel 1984's climax is when O'Brien tells Winston that he is one of the thought police and tortures him. Winston and Julia always believed that O'Brien is on their side because of all his kindness and gentleness, but at the end everything was incorrect. When I first read this book it was boring, but when this turn over happened the novel was total different book. It was thrilling, exciting, and even nervous. When Winston was being tortured by O'Brien it even made me sweat on my hand. I just wished O'Brien can be the nice one again and stop torture Winston. He was the one who was behind this whole plan to get Winston in trouble and brainwash him. From the beginning, he told Winston the place where they weren't any telescreen and tried to fake Winston, but actually there was telescreen and he watched every single move of Winston. In the climax, he gets caught by O'Brien and be tortured to death. Later, his mind just corrupts and just believes everything that O'Brien says to him (Brainwash). If he says 1+1=3, then it is 3. Before brainwash, when others forced him to think the answer is 3, he believed his own faith and said it was 2, which is the right answer. After that being tortured by his weakness, rat, he betrays Julia. I really enjoyed this book. Not because of the dystopia that this novel contains, but the turn over makes me just dig in more to the novel.


1984 - main character

The main character of this story was Winston Smith, Julia, and O’Brien. At the beginning of this story, Winston stood up for himself and he tried to fight against the tyrannical government. He never gave up what he thought it was right and he tried hard to go destroy the government. Unfortunately, towards the end he failed to destroy the government. The person who he thought was against the government was actually head of the party, and woman he loved betrayed him. Later, he was tortured by O’Brien and ended up giving up his own will. At the beginning I liked him but he ended up being same person like rest of the crowd. He gave up himself because he couldn’t overcome his fear. The main characters should be more strong and brave to overcome any hardships they face. Julia on the other hand, I didn’t like her from the beginning. The women in the stories are bad in most of the stories. When Julia betrayed Winston, I had pity for him. If they really loved each other, they shouldn’t betray. They should try everything to save the lover from danger. O’Brien was nice guy at the beginning and helped Winston. At the end, he betrays Winston and tortures him head to toes. I really don’t like antagonists who make main character weaker. In most stories protagonist grow by facing antagonist but this novel was really different. Protagonist gave up under power of antagonist. All these main characters show what true humans are like. Humans are dirty, selfish, and irresponsible. In stories authors make main characters grow stronger as they face challenges but average humans grow weaker as they face challenges. I think even animals are better than some of the humans.


1984 - connection between our world and novel

The novel 1984 is actually close related to our world. Like people who lives in 1984, we are being watched too. The situation is not serious as the novel but the fact that we are being watched doesn't change. If we go to the big store, then they probably have cameras in the store to see if we are doing something suspicious. The more the world develop, technique of crimes are developed too. To prevent those crimes we install more and more cameras and concealed microphones to watch people. If this situation continues for a long time, our world will not be different from world in 1984. No matter where we go, there are always people who will watch us. Nothing is secret on this world, nothing is safe anymore. If there aren’t any safe places, that means there are people in every places who can watch you. The novel also mentions that we should stand for our own and don’t only follow popular opinions. This world is changing more to tyrannical government because people wouldn’t stand up for their own opinion. If you think something is really not right, stand for your own opinion. Societies grow when people share their opinion and come up with better options for this world. To prevent government to be tyrannical government, don’t just think government is always right. Don’t give government full power. They will do everything to take over all the power from citizen. To not to give them a full power over country, we formed government called democracy and I think it should continue.

1984 - major theme

The novel 1984 is about what the world will be like if our actions are being watched and restricted. We can't do anything private and our every move is watched by people in Party. If we try to do anything that can harm the party, they will find us can be put into a torture to brainwash. Can world like this exist? The answer is yes. Moreover, we actually live in the world like this. The cameras are installed in buildings, outside, and even in the houses. The novel Digital Fortress focused on the similar situation where it says governments can read what we have sent through e-mail. As a result the government ended up self-destructing themselves. In 1984, people failed to defend themselves from tyrannical governments. More, most of the people gave up thinking on their own, and just thought and acted how government wanted them to act but Winston was different. The Inner Party takes control of people's life, even including love. In controversy, Winston fell in love and he remained as a thinking person. Later, they had to crush him to stop him from thinking. This happened all because of tyranny of the governments.
The governments tried to take control of everything, do every thing they want to do, and take everything what they want. This kind of government can take a control over us if we stop thinking. As a teenager who goes to school, I should try to think in critical way. Just don’t follow the crowd’s opinion or action but follow what I think is right. In modern society technology takes big part of our life. If we only depend on the technology, one day the machines are going to take over our world and we will serve as a slave.



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